2024 marked the 11th summer of the Title V MCH Internship Program. The program provides undergraduate and graduate maternal and child health (MCH) students — the next generation of MCH professionals — with experience working in state and jurisdictional Title V agencies.
The Title V Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program is the only federal program with an exclusive focus on improving the health of women, children, and families. Through a partnership with the federal government, every U.S. state and jurisdiction has a Title V program that addresses priorities and challenges for its MCH populations.
The internship program pairs teams of graduate and undergraduate students together and matches them with a Title V agency. With guidance from agency preceptors, each team completes a 10-week project.
This summer, students from 13 universities completed the program. They worked with 10 Title V agencies to complete literature reviews, conduct environmental scans, collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data, and create health education materials.
This year, many of the projects contributed to the upcoming Title V needs assessment process. By July 2025, each agency will have completed a comprehensive assessment in their state or jurisdiction to identify the needs of pregnant women, mothers, infants, and children, including children with special health care needs (CSHCN), for preventive and primary care services.
Students conducted a literature review to explore innovative and best practice strategies to advance the implementation of medical homes in the state. Students also conducted a landscape analysis of the strengths, resources, and gaps in the MCH Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSCHN) programs. Watch the Illinois student presentation in a new browser tab.
Students conducted a multi-level prioritization plan to advance the Title V needs assessment. This included reviewing and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative county-level data. Students also planned and facilitated partner meetings to share and discuss the survey data and get feedback and input. Watch the Iowa student presentation in a new browser tab.
Students worked with Title V staff to develop and conduct a landscape analysis/mapping assessment of father-serving organizations in the state. This work was critical to advance the Title V needs assessment for the next five years. Students also conducted key informant interviews and focus groups with fathers, organizations, and other partners. Watch the Kansas student presentation in a new browser tab.
Students conducted an environmental scan of birthing facilities across the state to assess current practices that facilities are engaged with after the loss of a fetus or infant to improve their understanding of support for families after a fetal or infant loss. In addition, students developed and implemented a survey for birthing persons to increase the state’s knowledge of existing and needed support for birthing families who have experienced a fetal or infant loss. Watch the Massachusetts student presentation in a new browser tab.
Students participated in a three-prong project that included the extraction of data to MCH topics, created infographics on Nevada’s priority areas from the most recent (2020) needs assessment, and conducted key informant interviews with MCH program staff to inform opportunities to improve the upcoming 2025 needs assessment process. Watch the Nevada student presentation in a new browser tab.
New Jersey
Student interns conducted interviews and focus groups with clinical providers in birthing hospitals and recent birthing persons to better understand the landscape of equitable delivery of prenatal (including delivery and postpartum) care in the state. Watch the New Jersey student presentation in a new browser tab.
North Carolina
Student interns supported the development and implementation of user-friendly data collection tools to be used with the upcoming Title V 2025 needs assessment. Additionally, students developed focus group guides and conducted virtual focus groups with community members throughout the state. Watch the North Carolina student presentation in a new browser tab.
South Dakota
Students developed and conducted a comprehensive data analysis for the upcoming 2025 Title V needs assessment. Students also helped to collect and summarize demographic descriptors and health status and utilization related to MCH using secondary data. Watch the South Dakota student presentation in a new browser tab.
Student interns developed and completed a literature review and assessment to better understand the maternal health of the incarcerated populations in the state. Information collected included: access to mental health, prenatal and postpartum care, substance use disorders and treatment, access to menstrual hygiene products, and jail provider knowledge of maternal health warning signs. Watch the Tennessee student presentation in a new browser tab.
Students created breastfeeding materials, such as infographics and data briefs, to increase breastfeeding rates and decrease barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. Materials are being shared on the Stepping Up for Utah Babies website. Watch the Utah student presentation in a new browser tab.
Learn more about the Title V MCH Internship Program and how students and Title V programs can apply to participate.