Technical workforce skills and evidence-based strategies are not necessarily sufficient to move the needle on maternal and child health outcomes; contextual factors such as challenging political environments, lack of leadership support, funding insufficiency, staff turnover, and historically inequitable programs and outcomes also influence Title V’s ability to have an impact.
Systems thinking and mapping tools provide opportunities to see your work in the context of the ‘big picture’ and strengthen collaboration within agencies and across sectors.
An Introduction to Systems Integration
This toolkit and video present the basics of systems thinking and systems mapping tools you might utilize to see your work in the context of the ‘big picture’ and strengthen collaboration within agencies and across sectors.
Five Minute Systems Videos
These five minute videos provide an introduction to concepts and skills useful in systems thinking for Title V professionals.
Systems Integration Tools and Resources
These resources are provided by the Center, its partners, and external sources to provide Title V MCH professionals with the knowledge, technical workforce skills, and evidence-based strategies necessary to improve outcomes; operate in challenging political environments, and address issues identified as problems that influence Title V’s ability to have an impact such as lack of leadership support, funding insufficiency, lack of focus, and historically inequitable programs and outcomes.
The NPM Skills Documents serve as a resource for addressing these contextual factors with robust workforce capacity.