Our MCH Faculty Development Fellowship Program supports a 2024-2025 cohort of 10 faculty fellows. The program supports mid-career faculty in advancing their MCH work and scholarship in areas including public health education, student mentorship, research, and/or practice partnership development and engagement.

Associate Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
Xavier University of Louisiana

Assistant Professor
Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health
University of Hawai’i at Mānoa

Associate Professor
Department of Health, Society, and Behavior (Program in Public Health)
Department of Chicano/Latino Studies (School of Social Sciences)
University of California, Irvine

Larelle Bookhart, PhD, MPH, RD, IBCLC
Bridge to the Faculty Scholar
Division of Community Health Sciences
University of Illinois Chicago (UIC-Chicago)

Assistant Professor
Department of Public Health Sciences
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Instructional Assistant Professor
School of Public Health
Texas A&M University

Assistant Professor
Environmental and Health Sciences Department
Spelman College

Assistant Professor and Curator of the Border Studies Archive
Department of Anthropology
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV)

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor
Public Health Department
State University of New York at Old Westbury