Change management and adaptive leadership tools help you lead and manage change. They focus on engaging people and improving team processes and outcomes. Transformation requires teams to function at a high level. These tools connect teams to their aspirations, help make space for key voices and perspectives, encourage learning and innovation, and help you make […]
Learning Guide
Collective Impact Equity Archive
Explore the Collective Impact Forum’s Advancing Equity Archive. The archive includes a collection of resources and materials that allow collective impact initiatives to prioritize equity. The resources include webinars, podcast episodes, trainings and more. Examples of some of the resources include:
Concept Mapping in Five Minutes
Balance of Petals in Five Minutes
Systems Strengthening Toolkit
Technical workforce skills and evidence-based strategies are not necessarily sufficient to move the needle on maternal and child health outcomes; contextual factors such as challenging political environments, lack of leadership support, funding insufficiency, staff turnover, and historically inequitable programs and outcomes also influence Title V’s ability to have an impact. These systems thinking and mapping tools provide […]
Challenge and Aim Statement
The Challenge and Aim Statement describes the primary challenge your team will address and provides an agreed upon starting point for action
30/30 Form
A 30/30 Action Plan is a simple way to monitor progress and record future action steps in ongoing work. The idea is that the team meets for 30 minutes every 30 days to discuss progress over the past month. The progress, roadblocks and other relevant ideas are noted on the form, along with an action […]
Decision Making Guide
Improving Title V Readiness for Community Partnerships
MCHwork module that discusses a key domain of Title V internal readiness for external partnerships: using program funds more effectively. This includes options for recruiting and retaining staff who will sustain relationships with communities; blending and braiding funds across Title V and other programs; and making procurement practices more equitable. Financial flexibility requires a strong […]
Leading through Health System Change: A Public Health Opportunity
Developed for the MCH Navigator, Leading Through Health Systems Change: A Public Health Opportunity is an online planning tool to assist public health leaders in thinking about the future in the era of health transformation. The key components include a five-step planning process and thinking through technical vs. adaptive challenges. The planning tool includes a […]
Competing Values Framework
Rebecca Wells from the National MCH Workforce Development Center, focuses on the competing values framework. Module includes video and PDF worksheet.
Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive Leadership is an essential concept for MCH leaders to understand. We also recommend the use of strengths-based leadership approaches including Collaborative Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Appreciative Inquiry. View the module on the MCH Navigator
Behavior Over Time Graphs
See the ‘big picture’ system you are trying to change. Share perspectives about what is causing trends over time and move closer to developing a shared understanding of the challenge. Box Link
MCHwork: Successful Engagement with People with Lived Experience
People with lived experience (PWLE) are regarded as “experts by experience” in the scope of their first-hand experience. PWLE have lived (or are currently living) with issues the community is focusing on and who can offer insight about the system as it is experienced by others. Watch these three videos from the National MCH Workforce Development […]
MCHwork: Making Equity-Informed Choices
Implementation science starts by understanding how programs and practices work based on past experience, either from the field, science-based studies, expert opinion, or consensus and then identifying ways to replicate these processes in new settings, at larger scale, or with different populations to achieve similar, positive outcomes. Watch this introductory video from the WDC to […]
MCHwork: Creating Equity Opportunities
The purpose of this tool is to identify opportunities to transform an aspect of your MCH system to better advance equitable outcomes. The process of developing an Equity Opportunity Statement — a carefully-crafted one- or two-sentence summary to clarify the problem to be solved or opportunity at hand — follows a two-part process, beginning with […]
MCHwork: Advancing Health Equity through Asset Framing
Asset Framing is a narrative model that humanizes and defines people by their assets and aspirations before noting the challenges and deficits they face. This model invests in people for their continued benefit to society. It is the opposite of deficit-based narratives that lead with problems, unintentional stereotypes, or misconceptions.
Family Engagement in Systems Assessment (FESAT) Tool
A 20-item self-assessment tool that organizational staff and families use together to assess family engagement in policies, programs, and other systems-level initiatives.
Network Analysis in MCH Practice
This 27-minute tutorial explains and demonstrates a systems tool that can help users understand connections between agencies, partners and their roles. This 27-minute tutorial explains and demonstrates a systems tool that can help users understand connections between agencies, partners and their roles. The presentation defines network analysis and its applications in public health practice, focusing […]